
We offer consultancy services in designing hotels, apartments, public spaces, industrial spaces, and residencies with the vast knowledge and experiences of a qualified team. We engage comprehensively in interior and landscape design as well as in production of green accessories that eventually enhance the green building concept.


We help you create living gardens in your space, considering factors such as climate conditions and whether the space is for personal, industrial, retail, recreational, or hospitality uses.

Tree doctor

The health and wellbeing of the plants and trees in your garden are important components in sustaining and drawing true benefit from it. We can help you regularly assess the collective state of your landscape, by detecting health problems and addressing them. We will treat and manage health issues or risks through a visual inspection and recommend corrective measures for your trees and shrubs.

Construction and Maintenance

Our crew creates gardens from scratch: With our plant nursery that is home to a diverse selection of plant species, we are able to handle the entire construction of gardens and built-environments including in-built gardens and vertical gardens.

Green interior

We focus on improving indoor air, thermal, lighting, sound and aesthetic qualities and reducing the impact that built structures have on the indoor environment. Our assistance spans every possible step from the initial site visit to designing the proposal to the very end of the project when we hand it over to you.

Green products

We help create ecofriendly lifestyles by producing new biophilic innovative products, lifestyle accessories and organic food products.